सहस्नेह नमस्कार🙏🏻सुस्वागतम...! सुस्वागतम...!🤝🏻'बुध्दीमंथन' ब्लॉगला भेट दिल्याबद्दल मनस्वी धन्यवाद 🙏🏻
'बुद्धीमंथन' शिक्षक-बालक-पालक व प्रत्येक वाचकांसाठी एक परिपूर्ण शैक्षणिक संकेतस्थळ.......


Revised Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2021 (10 TH)

 Revised Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2021

Maharashtra SSC 2021 Preparation Tips

These are some of the exam preparation tips for the candidates who want to secure good marks in Maharashtra 10th board exam 2021 are listed below. 

  • Make a schedule for your study.
  • Take proper sleep and wake up early in the morning.
  • Know your exam pattern and examination scheme. 
  • Solve some sample paper questions. 
  • Don’t be nervous when you solve the questions. 
  • Make brief notes. 

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2021-22 for English

Maharashtra SSC English Syllabus 2021-22

      Subject TopicComprehensive Syllabus 
English Prose About 64 pages of literary and non-literary (informative) text (excluding notes, task, etc.) 
Poetry About 250 lines. Non-detailed study: A selection of literary texts (short stories, one-act plays) 
Revision of Eng. Grammar Revision of grammatical element studied up to class Vlll 
Different kinds of sentences Simple, Compound, Complex 
English Grammar The Tense 01.Continuous- a) Present Perfect 

b) Past Perfect  (c) Future Perfect

d) Future with will/shall and going to 

02.Continuous sequence of Tense 

Different types of Clauses Principal, Co-ordinate, Sub-ordinate 
Articles A, An or The (High level) 
Propositions Different uses 
Voice Statements, negatives, indirect object, questions 
Word Formation Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb 
Reported Speech Statements, commands, questions, exclamation, request 
Punctuation Usage 
Question Formation Tag Questions 
Modal Auxiliaries Usage of the can, could, may, might, would etc.  
Non-finite Infinitives, Participles, Gerunds
Collocation Unreal Conditions in the present/past possible conditions in the future 

Maharashtra SSC 10th English Marking Scheme 2021

English subject is a single paper that consists of 80 marks and the remaining 20 marks allotted to oral tests. 

Section Syllabus Weightage
Reading Skills 40% 
Grammar 15% 
Writing Skills 25% 
Oral Test 20%

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2021-22 for Maths

Here, candidates can check out the Maharashtra Maths SSC 10th syllabus which can help you to cover the topic of the exams. 

Maharashtra SSC Maths Syllabus 2021

          Unit/Chapter                    Essential Topic 
Arithmetic Progression
  • Introduction to Sequence
  • Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) and Geometric Progression (G.P.)
  • The general term of an A.P. and G.P.
  • Some of the first ‘n’ terms of an A.P. and G.P.
  • Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean
Quadratic Equations
  • Introduction to quadratic equations
  • Solutions of quadratic equations
  • Nature of roots based on discriminant
  • Relation between roots of the equation and coefficient of the terms in the equation Equations reducible to quadratic form
Linear equations in two variables
  • System of linear equations in two variables
  • Algebraic methods of solving linear equations in two variables
  • Graphical representation of different possibilities of solutions/Inconsistency
  • Graphical method of solving a system of linear equations
  • Determinant of order two
  • Cramer’s rule
  • Consistency of pair of linear equations
  • Introduction to probability and related terms
  • The classical definition of probability
  • Types of events
  • Equally likely outcomes
  • Probability of an event
  • Properties of Probability
  • Addition theorem (without proof
  • Brief revision of Tabulation of data, inclusive and exclusive type of tables
  • Mean, median and mode of grouped data
  • Histograms, frequency polygon, frequency curve, pie diagram
  • Ogives (Cumulative frequency graphs)
  • Applications of ogives in the determination of the median
  • The relation between measures of central tendency
  • Introduction to a normal distribution
  • Properties of normal distribution


  • Properties of ratios of areas of two triangles 
  • Basic proportionality theorem 
  • Introduction to similarity 
  • Similar triangles 
  • Areas of two similar triangles 
  • The similarity in right-angled triangles 
  • Pythagoras theorem and its converse.
  • Tangents and their properties 
  • Theorem – Tangent at any point to the circle is perpendicular to the radius and its converse 
  • Number of tangents from a point to a circle 
  • Theorem- The length of two tangent segments drawn from a point outside the circle are equal 
  • Touching circles
  • Construction of tangent to the circle from the point on the circle and outside the circle. 
  • Construction of tangent without using centre · Construction of a triangle 
  • Angle opposite to it and either median altitude is given
  • Construction of a triangle similar to a given triangle
  • Length of an arc, Area of the sector 
  • Area of a Circular Segment 
  • Euler’s formula, Surface area and volume of cuboids Spheres 
  • hemispheres, right circular cylinders cones, frustum of a cone, Problems based on areas and perimeter/circumference of circle, sector and segment of a circle.
  • The slope of a line, Intercepts made by a line, Standard forms of the  equation of a line 
  • General equation of a line.
  • Angles in standard position 
  • Trigonometric ratios in terms of coordinates of a point.
  • Trigonometric Identities (with proof) 
  • Use of basic identities and their applications 
  • Problems on height and distance

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2021 for Science

To secure the highest marks in Science, students need to prepare according to the Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2021 which is mentioned below.

Maharashtra SSC Science Syllabus 2021

      Unit/Chapter     Essential Topic 
Chapter 01: Materials 
  • Acids and Base 
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Oxidation and Reduction
  • Metals and Non-metals 
  • Common chemicals used in daily life 
  • Classification of Elements 
Chapter 02: The World of the Living 
  • Life Processes
  • Control in the living 
  • Reproduction in the living 
  • Heredity and Evolution
Chapter 03: Moving Things and People Ideas 
  • Electric Circuits 
  • Magnets
Chapter 04: Natural Phenomena 
  • Lights 
  • Spherical Mirrors
  • Refraction
  • Lenses 
Chapter 05: Pollution 
  • Types of Pollution (air, water, soil, radiation and noise) 
  • Sources of pollution & major pollutants 
  • Effect of pollution 
  • Abatement of pollution 
Chapter 06: Striving for a Better Environment 
  • Sustainable use of resources
  • Enforcement of acts, laws and policies
  • Use of efficient and eco-friendly technology 

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2021 for Social Studies

Social studies consist of categories such as history, geography, economics etc which makes it complicated and here we have a shared category-wise syllabus that makes it easy during the practice of the 10th exam. 

Maharashtra SSC Social Studies Syllabus 2021

    Subject           Unit/Chapter Important Topic
History Imperialism 
  • Geographical discoveries and colonization
  • Asia: India, China, Japan
  •  Africa
20th Century Age of conflict
  • First world war
  • Russian Revolution
  • The League of Nations
  • Dictatorships in Europe, Second World War and world
  • United Nations Organization
Emancipation of Asia and Africa
  • Asia 
  • Africa 
The world after World War II
  • Cold war
  • Scientific and Technological Progress
  • Globalization
Geography Physical Divisions of IndiaIdentification of Physical divisions
North Indian MountainsHimalayas, Associated mountains
North Indian Plain Region
  • Deserts
  • Western Plains 
  • Central Plains 
  • Eastern Plains 
  • Delta region
Peninsular Plateau Region
  • Malwa Plateau 
  • Chhota Nagpur Plateau 
  • Maharashtra Plateau 
  • Karnataka Plateau 
  • Telangana Plateau
The Western Ghats and the Eastern GhatsSahyadri, Eastern Ghats
Coastal Region
  • Eastern coastal plain 
  • Western coastal plain
Indian Islands 
  • Western Islands
  • Eastern Islands 
Practical One dimensional diagram, Two-dimensional diagrams
Economics Introduction of an Economy
  • What is an economy? 
  • Types of Economy 
  • Main features of Economy.
Basic Problems of an Economy Solution 
  • Introduction
  • Problem
  • For whom to produce?
  • How much to produce? 
Chapter 03 
  • Public distribution system & consumer protection- 
  • Introduction, Public Distribution system – 
  • Meaning & explanation, 
  • Objectives of P.D.S., Progress of P.D.S., Drawbacks of P.D.S. Remedial Measures, Consumer Protection –
  • Rights & duties of consumer, food adulteration
Political Science Democracy 
  • Meaning
  • Types
  • Characteristics
Political Parties & Types 
  • Meaning
  • Need 
  • Types of political parties 
Social Diversity & Democracy What is social diversity?
  • Caste/race and Democracy
  • Language and Democracy
  • Religion and Democracy
  • Gender and Democracy
Challenges to Democracy Remedial Measure to Challenges 

Maharashtra SSC Board Syllabus 2021 for Hindi

Hindi is divided into two parts such as Hindi Lokbharti and Hindi Lokwani. Candidates can check out the Maharashtra Board SSC 10th syllabus 2021 which is given below.

Maharashtra Board SSC Hindi syllabus 2021

    विषय         पाठ का नाम 
हिंदी लोकभारतीलक्ष्मी 
गोवा: जैसा मैंने देखा 
खुला आकाश 
कृषक गान 
श्रम साधना 
अपनी गंध नहीं बेचुंगा
हिंदी लोकवाणी दो लघुकथाएं 
दो ग़ज़लें 
प्रकृति संवाद (निबंध) 

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